Inclusion Training

We advocate for long-lasting positive change by providing EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion) training workshops to challenge mindsets and break biases, to create truly equitable workplaces.

About Our Training

Our Inclusion Training supports organisations across all areas of their business, providing a L&D catalogue that enables organisations to understand the foundations of EDI, the importance and benefits of recruiting inclusively – why it matters and how to do it. In addition to continuing the evolving EDI conversations through our bite-size EDI dialogue sessions.

The Workshops

Our interactive and engaging workshops are designed to ensure long lasting, continuous change and progress to individuals, both personally and professionally. Make the necessary, impactful changes to your mindset and methods, to arm you and your organisation with the knowledge and tools needed to bring true inclusion and belonging into the workplace.

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Foundations of EDI (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion)

This workshop explores how, as individuals, we show up in the workplace and impact on the wider society through our own lens of bias, privilege and microaggressions. Designed to empower team members and people leaders to build awareness for better inclusion by understanding their own privilege and biases.

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Inclusive Recruitment

Designed to build inclusion competence of hiring managers and recruitment teams, our Inclusive Recruitment workshop guides on how to view the hiring process through a truly inclusive lens. We will challenge you to face your own biases, requiring a degree of honest self reflection. Things may get uncomfortable but all in the cause of inclusivity so most definitely worth it!

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Inclusive Leadership

Explore and learn your leadership style and understand the impact this has on your team. Build diverse and high performing teams, ensuring a sense of belonging for every team member. In this workshop, we want to empower anyone with leadership responsibilities to embed inclusion, enabling them to become better leaders within a diverse and inclusive organisation.

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Conversations About Race and Inclusion

Mini-workshop What is racism and racist language? What are microaggressions? We look at racial trauma and the impact this has, particularly on mental health. How do we respond? Learn the things to look out for and the vital importance of anti-racist actions, decentring ourselves and practising empathy.

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Mini-workshop What is racism? What is bias racism? What does it mean to be anti-racist? Learn how to be an ally, understand privilege and how your privilege could impact racism.

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Mini-workshop Explore microaggressive comments and examples of the types of microaggressions typically made against Black people. Learn how to understand the impact of these and how we can become better at stopping microaggressions, in both ourselves and in others.

EDI Dialogues

Our EDI Dialogues are bite-sized inclusion workshops that form a part of the wider Inclusive Recruiting L&D catalogue. Sessions are approximately 90 minutes long. We have a series of inclusion workshops that we can deliver, most are delivered by our in-house Inclusive Recruiting team, however we do have a few sessions that will be delivered by our core associates as we believe lived experience is essential in workshop delivery.

Topics covered include: Belonging ● Intersectionality ● LGBTQIA+ ● Gender identity ● Transgender Inclusion and Awareness ● Neurodiversity ● Mental Health and inclusion in the workplace ● Ageism and intergenerational working ● Disability Awareness ● Faith & Religion

Move past talking about EDI and start taking action!

The Inclusive Recruiting team delivering inclusion workshops to a client - February 2023

Client Testimonials

"Inclusive Recruiting listen, advise and adapt"

For us at Coeo and our current journey, we need to get back to the classics when it comes to EDI education. Inclusive Recruiting offer us an off-the-shelf solution but bespoke it to our needs. Inclusive Recruiting listen, advise and adapt, and that’s exactly what we need from a partner as we go through a cultural transition. Our talent, across the organisation, can now articulate powerfully why EDI efforts matter in the workplace and specifically what they are able to do about it personally. Investing in this education ensures consistency of messaging but also offers our talent space for exploring and discussing these concepts; to have their input and be listened to.
Alice Pilbeam-Brown
Talent Development and Equity Lead, COEO

"..authentic, supportive and open”

Inclusive Recruiting and Vanessa have been partnering with Criteo on a range of learning workshops and dialogues which are focused on exploring and strengthening our DEI focus. Vanessa’s style as a facilitator is authentic, supportive and open; she challenges participants to open their minds and self-evaluate their own behaviours and actions to drive a real change forward towards inclusion. I’ve enjoyed the adaptability of the programs offered to fit our own needs, whether it is smaller team sessions or larger webinars; and each time these sessions have been positively received by our employees.
Rachel Scheel
SVP Global Talent Development & DEI, Criteo

"..interesting, engaging and approachable"

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole session, and found Sarah to be interesting, engaging and approachable. She had the attention of the room and I think everyone gained a great deal from the day. Sarah had a way of delivering the information with impact but also in a way that wasn't intimidating if you're someone new to EDIB/someone who needs a little more convincing as to why it's important. From that one session alone, I have taken so much away that I am keen to discuss with colleagues throughout my organisation, and found that regardless of what I already knew, there is still always more to learn, and more ways to apply it that you hadn't already thought of.
Hannah Bradbury-Crowther
Curator, National Museum of the Royal Navy
(South West Museum Development Travelling Together programme)

"..tailored solutions for us”

Lonza has been working with Inclusive Recruiting now for just over 2 years. From the beginning the team have taken the time to understand Lonza and the Shared Service Centre, where they tailored solutions for us be means of Diversity & Inclusion and HR for Non-HR Managers which were followed-up with regular and timely feedback and coaching to the participants. The approach to this day has been referred to in the highest esteem.

Marrisa Gomez
HR Manager